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The HE Website

Need more resources and updates?

Go check out our HE Website! It will need your gmail login.

Parents Access to the HE Website:


Parents who would like to be able to access the HE website by logging in themselves can do so by following these instructions: 


  •  set up a gmail account or use your current one.  Please note - it must be a gmail account

  •  send an email to with 'add email address' in the subject line

  •  include your gmail in the body of the email along with your child(ren)'s name and form (for security purposes)

We will include your address on the sharing permissions for the website.


NOTE:  This gmail address is only used for access to the HE website - this is a pre-requisite set by the google-owned website.  If you have already registered another email address with the school for notification/contact purposes, this gmail WILL NOT replace it and will not be used by the school to contact you. 


It is not necessary to ask for access every academic year - your gmail address will allow you access until your child(ren) leave Island School.

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